My Goals, My Ambition ๐ŸŒบ


 Hello guys, do you still with me right?

    So, I'm gonna tell you about "My Goals,My Ambition". I've been thinking about what I want to do and I wanna be in the future, start from right now we should have some goals and ambitions because we are on the 11th grade.In the future, I want to be a pediatrician.Why did I choose a pediatrician from all my abstract dreams? Because when I learning something related to humans body, it's very interesting to observe and sometimes I am very curious like "what the hell is going with humans body?".  And to be honest I'm still confused about what majors will I take soon in university, I still looking forward into it.

    In addiction, when we going to take the course of medicine, we'll learn all the things about humans body, learning medicine doesn't only about biology, but chemistry as well as good. Of course in the human body there is also chemical reaction process, right? and I also like chemistry beside biology. But not only that, learning medicine also of course we should think critically. So thats why learning something that is beyond my ability is an interesting for me but before it all, I'm also thought before I take this major when in the university, I should prepare it as well as you ready to take this majors. I should think wisely "Is my major right as my passion and talent? And can I pass all the struggles and the hard process while I take this major?" We should think that wisely, it is related to our future, you should not regret it. So thats why to be a pediatrician is not my real goals.

  But then I have one goal that I should catch up that is get into University of Indonesia. Actually become a college student of University of Indonesia was my goals since when I'm in Junior High School.

      To be honest, I have a lot of dreams. I also wanna be a pharmacist, mining expert , or psychistrist. I'm still looking forward about my passion and talent, but I admit that I am very interested in analyzing others people and memorizing. For special talents I haven't found mine. Then for my strength, I am someone who really wants to learn and sometimes don't want to be left behind with my friends, so I can be called someone who hard working and patient. I also really like trying new things, especially in adventure hahaha, why? because it will be a memorable experience for me.

    I have a motivation that makes me able to dream like this :

"If you can dream it, you can do it"

        As an ordinary human, of course I have some weakness. I'm a very over-thinker person and sometimes I became have no enthusiasm for studying. I'm also often think that my IQ wasn't that smart to become a doctor, as we know that I'm not that kind of genius people. But I want to have job basically by what I like and by my strengthen.

    On this pandemic we should do online school right now, there are so much struggles and challenges that I have to overcome during online school. Starting from sometimes I became someone who difficult to understanding some subjects because the provided wasn't as detailed as when we met in person, then I became unfocused while I'm studying, and the assignments were increasing every day.

        Of course I find it very difficult to devide my time between those things, where I have to studying more and independently without a tutor or  extra course to catch up those subject. You know what? my assignment and test that are very heavy, I often do some remedial test. Actually this also makes me lose my enthusiasm for studying and losing my hope.

        Hopefully I can practicing all those subjects while I'm looking for my passion and I should become someone who getting better day by day.

        I really want to repay all my parents hard working. I want to make my parents happy, proud, and be a useful child for my parents. Beside that I really want to help others people with joy and respectfully and of course for myself, I want to enjoy all the results of my hard work. 

    So, Don't give up on your goals and rely between your abilities and your pray on God. 

    Hopefully one day we will achieve our goals,aameen.

     Have a nice day everyone and stay healthy!๐ŸŒบ



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Edupassion 2020 ; Daryaskara